Autobarrios / Self Made Neighborhoods

Autobarrios – Self-made-neighborhoods- helps to create an iniciative for urban community development: it uses the collective construction of an urban imaginaire as a tool for empowering the community as a creative body.

Throughout creative practices, the enhancement of local resources and networking, strategies to practice more neighborhood are created.

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Plastic Bang! Kok

Plastic Bang! Kok utiliza la bolsa de plástico, inofensivo símbolo cotidiano de hiperconsumo, como singularidad infinitamente pequeña a partir de la cual explosionar y expandirse.

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USW Cairo: Lighting Cairo

USW Cairo: Lighting Cairo is a project for the design and construction of low cost prototypes to activate public spaces in the city of Cairo.
The prototypes were constructed during a workshop with young Egyptian professionals, mostly architects and urban artists.
After design and construction, the prototypes were set up in two urban environments in order to test the feasibility, performance and interaction of the constructed objects with public space (both people and environment).
Cairo, Egypt, Africa. From 15th June to 8th July 2012.

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Approaches to waste. 2001-2011 Approaches to waste. 2001-2011 Talk at the seminar “From Landscapes of Extraction to Creative Industries of Organic Matter and Waste” at Graduate School of Design Harvard, Cambridge MA, USA on February 14th 2011.

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Dissecting Objects

How much waste do we buy? Analyzing and visualizing how much waste we buy everyday. Co-organized with Dietmar Offenhuber in the Guggenheim Lab at Berlin. Starting with the Waste Packaging Index.

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RUS Miami. Miami Trash Machine

Using automobile waste and scrap cars as raw material, Basurama conducted an itinerant installation, called Miami Trash Machine (MTM). The MTM is at the same time an extrage object and an interactive sound system. Public was the protagonist in a ludic public event, were everyone was invited to participate. A set of lights, sound sources and sensors […]

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Title: Chainwork Duration: Infinite loop. Author: Basurama in collaboration with Johan Stevenson. Technique: Two DVD players into loop. Year: 2008 The videoinstalation has been in: Permanent Exhibition. BTEK Interpretation Center of the technology in the Bizkaia Technology Park in Zamudio. Arenas Movedizas. Ancient kitchens Labour University. Gijón. September 9 – October 24, 2010. Rehogar 2013.  […]

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Exhibition Trans Trash at MIT 2011

Garbage is rapidly becoming one of the main topics in urban society. Not only are municipalities keenly aware of the high environmental cost of waste, but residents are more-and-more conscious of the importance of recycling. Even so, most urban dwellers are still blind to what actually happens to their trash once it is tossed into […]

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