Consumption Linee _ a tribute to Piero Manzoni

Consumption Linee _a tribute to Piero Manzoni is the site specific art piece that we have created for the Socle du Monde Art Festival which concpet has been developed by Tijs Visser at HEART Museum in Herning, Denmark. Curated by Simon Njami Without solution of continuity, a Line, wrote Manzoni, “does not measure metres . […]

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Scion is the beginning of an investigation into the forms of production of the plant species with which we cohabit in our most intimate environments, in our homes, but also into the forms of care, of exchange, of relationship… that unite and unite us, the human caretakers, with our plants. Enhancing these multi-species relationships that […]

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Patios Silvestres (Recommendations for the design of outdoor spaces in schools)

The book  Patios Silvestres (Wild courtyards. Recommendations for the design of outdoor spaces in schools) is the result of almost two years of work in a participatory process in which we have been involved together with Madrid City Council techniques, teachers from the following nursery schools: Luisa Fernanda, El Alba, Hiedra, Captain Grant’s nephews, Los Juncos […]

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Portfolio test with updates

This should be in english. Basurama es un colectivo dedicado a la investigación, creación y producción cultural y medioambiental fundado en 2001 que ha centrado su área de estudio y actuación en los procesos productivos, la generación de desechos que éstos implican y las posibilidades creativas que suscitan estas coyunturas contemporáneas. Nacido en la Escuela […]

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Only Geology Lasts

The installation is reusing more than 15.000 expire plastic water bottles to create a dystopic landscape to walk through. It represents a reflection on a possible future in which the environment as we know will have changed entirely and we will have to make our way through plastic geographies and salt crystals lakes. Only Geology […]

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WATER MEMORIES ITINERANT OFFICE is an art installation made together with Rachel Schmidt in the frame of the The Water Office a project curated by Blanca de la Torre which through different workshops, The Water Office seeks to provide a platform for those voices acting as “trenches” in the “water wars” that were predicted at the end […]

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The available abundance in our cities, together with the current model of consumption, comes with the generation of a massive quantity of residues. Madrid municipality produces and stores a great amount of materials of all kinds, including everything, from large publicity canvas to lamp posts). The great majority of those elements are still in good […]

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Andalusi Wasserspiele

For eight centuries, Spain was a Muslim country. During the whole middle ages, most of its culture was completely defined by the Arab heritage. Many features of that time still survive in modern Spain. Among them, the costume of hygiene and constant bathing, together with all water related technologies: irrigation, gardening, reflections, water follies and […]

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SALVAJE Festival

SALVAJE is a proposal from the scenic arts collective LA TRISTURA for the course of cultural management AUTOBARRIOS SANCRISTOBAL. This festival has been organized together with the young trainees of the course #culturabajopuente: YasynHlaloum, Nuria Jiménez, Nhoa R. Palomo, Sandra Reyeros y César Romero. AutobarriosSanCristobalis a proyect of the creative collective Basurama & Sarah FdezDeutsch with the local associations Casa San Cristóbal-Fundación Montemadrid y Educación Cultura y […]

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