Ice Breaker

Action developed for Antipodes Café in Oslo, Norway In order to celebrate the bicentennial of “Instructions of the Year XIII“, the mandate brought by the representatives from the Oriental Province to the Assembly of the Year XIII of the United Provinces of the River Plate, that got together in 1813, Felipe Ridao, uruguayan artist migrated […]

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Balloon mapping workshop

At Basurama we were invited to participate in the 7 000 000 000 art exhibition curated by arlandismarroqui in the EACC (Espai d’art contemporani de Castelló), and we develop a project to fit the exhibition and our purposes: we wanted to start a local chapter of balloon&kite mappers in Spain, using Public Lab tools, and awake […]

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A Less Consumerist Leisure

25 experimentos emocionales para testear la respuesta del paisaje a propuestas de ocio menos consumistas. Los 25 vídeo emocionales se pueden ver aquí Made during our stay at the Baladre artists residence, part of Lo Pati Art Center. Located in Balada, in the Ebro Delta, Tarragona . 22-28 July 2013. On the occasion of the […]

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Installation in the Anciennes Abattoires of Casablanca

More photos Basurama participated in the urban arts festival ” Zancat ” in Casablanca ( Morocco) with a workshop – installation in the Anciennes Abattoires , former slaughterhouse turned into a cultural space and managed by the Association Casamémoire . The starting material of the workshop was one of the most abundant waste in the […]

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Any plastic lasts longer that eternal love

IN LO<3 WE TRASH es un proyecto que quiere hacer visible el impacto social y ambiental de la dualidad Consumo / Deshechos. Gdansk cualquier plástico dura más que un amor eterno, reutilizó plasticos del centro de exposiciones Amberexpo y del vertedero de Szadolki para construir un Castillo de Cristal inflable que activara el espacio del Festival Re:Miasto.

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Documentary “Roskilde TrashFestival 2013”

A vision by Basurama and Lucía Egaña on the phenomenon “RoskildeFestival2013”, a 9 day long music festival with an attendance over 125.000 people. Basurama participated with the installation “The Whirlpool of waste”, that invited everyone around to throw their garbage into the whirlpool. It was an ideal opportunity to document this large consumer phenomenon associated with mass […]

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