Clavellian Toaster

Hacked Toaster with different “clavelian”* motives  that are roasted -as an estampita- on bread. The Clavellian toaster is a piece made for the exhibition AUTOMENAJE (word made up by Auto=self-tribute and Menaje=household) curated by Paco Clavel in Valdepeñas, his hometown, for the summer of 2012.         * from carnation (the surname of the […]

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Scooter Santa Cruz

Basurama participated in the exhibition EXPO CRUZ curated by Paco Clavel in the traditional celebration of the “Cruces de Mayo” in Pastrana (Guadalajara). Basurama intervened one of the wooden crosses that were distributed to the 10 artists taking part in the exhibition. We try to make the cross usefull, to give it another propouse. We […]

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TrashLation is an artistic project produced in conjunction with ART­EX program. The purpose of the program is to research and reflect about the concept of consumption-identity and waste. The purpose of this project is to visualize at world level, how much waste each and every one of us produce regardless our social class, country of origin or age; […]

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Vertical garden in a School

We were at Lourdes School working with some of their students for the collective construction of a vertical garden and orchar. We built it  from packaging materials such as plastic boxes and plastic bottles. The objective was to build the vertical garden as a prototype, so the students could work and study it during the […]

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Das Detroit Projekt

We were invited by Sabine Reich, co-director of the festival, to curate the zaragozan participation in Das Detroit Projekt. We curated together with Paul Domela (Liverpool) and Marta Keil (Gliwice). THE CITY MUST BE OURS! A massive crisis is hitting Europe. We have to overcome it. We’ve heard both things so many times they don’t […]

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Learning from the mining areas

See many more pics. We were invited to participate in the exhibition “Learning from Las Cuencas” (Cuencas are the mining areas of Asturias, northern Spain) a research project on the cultural landscape of the Asturian coalfields. Place: Laboral, centro de arte y creación industrial. Gijón, Asturias. Date: 27.09.13-23.02.14 Other participating artists: Óscar de Ávila, Basurama, […]

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6,000 km is a documentation project devoted to research into cities’ metabolism, making visible certain hidden landscapes related to production, consume, and waste. Through a series of photographs, data an text, the project seeks to show specific spaces where waste is produced, handled and manipulated. Apart from the obvious ones —such as landfills and scrapyards— […]

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Self-made playground in Addis Ababa: the house of the Lost Children

More photos of the project Pictures made by the orphanage’s children Contex In the gubernamental orphanage of Kibebe Tsehay, in Sidist Kilo, live children from 0 to 8 years old. There, these children study, sleep, eat, tidy up and play together. The place has a large outdoor space with hardly any trees and wherein at […]

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Self-made playground in Maputo

More pictures Context Mafalala is one of the most populars neighborhoods of Maputo, Moçambique. Celebrities as the footbal player Eusebio (a.k.a. the Black Panter), Samora Machel (first president of the independent Moçambique) or the poes Noémia de Sousa and José Craveirinha grew up in this neighborhood. During the foundation of Maputo (eighteenth century) native Mozambicans […]

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“RELAT DE BELLES COSES FALSES” (A tale of nice fake things)

After its display in  Lo Pati Centre in Amposta “Relat de Belles Coses Falses” was re-opened in Arts Santa Monica Barcelona from 15th October 2014 to 25th January 2015. Participants of the exhibition: Verdolatría: Carlos Aires, Josep Berga i Boix, Joaquim Mir, Mariona Moncunill and Rasmus Nilausen. Appalling Regions: Javier Basiana, Jaume Orpinell, Basurama, Julia Montilla, […]

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