This year is the one

THIS YEAR IS THE ONE   In Spain, some companies give ham to their clients for Christmas. We can only give them the bone. In order to celebrate a most special 2015, we sent some ham bones to a few friends. We’ll get out of the crisis in 2015, and then we will be able […]

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It’s All Yours

¡Eres lo que tiras!
Y la basura que dejas atrás dice más sobre ti de lo que te atreves a admitir. Lo oculto, lo invisible, lo oscuro conforma los estratos más profundos de nuestra memoria.

En junio 2014 fuimos invitados a hacer una instalación en el Museo Victoria & Albert.
Queríamos transformar desechos en “souvenirs”, no sólo los residuos producidos y almacenados por el museo, sino aquellos que los visitantes traen en sus bolsillos.

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It’s All Yours

You are what you throw away!
And the leftovers we leave behind tell more stories about us than any other thing.
They are the strata of our memory.

In June 2014 we were invited to do an installation at the Victoria & Albert Museum.
We wanted to transform trash into souvenirs, not only the trash produced and stored by the museum but also the one that the visitors bring in their pockets.

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“El Pati -Obert-”. Creative space for coexistence.

Process’s pictures here. What’s about pedagogy in a process of urban’s transformation? The great amount of empty and unused urban sites in the historic city centre of Lleida entails not only a urban and socioeconomic conflict but environmental, social and esthetic. Taking this situation as starting point, El Pati Obert’s will is to become an independent […]

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Inhabiting Plastic Oceans.

Inhabiting Plastic Oceans is an art installation designed and built by Basurama for the World Design Capital in Company Gardens, Cape Town during the month of November 2014.

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Luxo é Lixo (Luxury is Trash)

Luxury is Trash. Art installation of urban scale tributed to the visual poem ‘Lixo é luxo’ of Augusto de Campos. Artistic intervention from plastic bags.

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BOCHUM FACTORY of LEISURE and CARE (BFPfW): How to become a Granny?

Participation in project “This is not Detroit”, by Schauspielhaus Bochum and Urbane Kunst Ruhr. Bochum, Germany 12th -21st June, 2014. The project aims to reflect on the future of the industry, of the labor and of European cities. Artists from Poland, England and Spain (the countries where Opel factories are running) have been invited to propose […]

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USW Niamey: let’s do it together!

USW Niamey: let’s do it together! is an educational training project that had formed 60 volunteers from 12 cultural centers. The objective was working with local resources for the design and construction of 12 playgrounds.
During the formation process we had worked with pallets, tires, cans and plastic bags and the result was a self-constructed playground in the Cultural Center Oumarou Ganda (CCOG) Niamey, Niger, Africa. December 5-20, 2011

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