It’s all yours Gulbenkian

  more photos We are what we throw away! Our trash defines us, it is the shadow of what we are, part of our memory. During  three months the Gulbenkian Foundation and Museum have carefully collected all inorganic waste produced, both by its employees and visitors. From the tips of the pencils, to bottle caps, […]

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The Waste room of modernity

Invited to the exhibition “Haushalten in den Meisterhäusern: Wie leben wir morgen gesund und wirtschaftlich?” (“Householding” in the Master houses: how we will live healthy and economically tomorrow?) the first exhibition of contemporary interventions happening at the houses that Gropius designed for the teachers of the Bauhaus in Dessau. It was open from June, 12th […]

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The project “Huellas” brings back to live the ancient tradition of drying the fishing nets in front of the port. It is a symbol of a way of life that shaped A Coruña historically, although nowadays it is becoming less and less present in its urban context. The reused fishing nets represent the naval past […]

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Espacio de estudio y espacio de juegos en el CCE de Malabo

Más fotos Contexto El Centro Cultural de España (CCE) en Malabo es uno de los espacios culturales de referencia de la capital de Guinea Ecuatorial. Además de las actividades oficiales que programa, el CCE dispone de un espacio exterior donde cada día compañías de teatro, coros, grupos de danza y estudiantes realizan sus propias actividades. […]

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PEI Alphabet furniture system – Battle Royale

Universidad Javeriana dof Bogotá Summer Workshop at Medialab-Prado, Madrid. Co-directed by together with PKMN & Zuloark.   Battle Royale is the name of a film directed by Takeshi Kitano on 2000 presenting an apocaliptic japanese society in which population control becomes a public affair. In the film a group of students nominated as the worst class […]

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Click in here to see more pictures of the Project.. Collaborative educational project between Basurama and Escuela Ideo. Radically change the school yard as an educational strategy. ¿What could be done with a giant pipe and a 25.000l deposit in the yard of an school? Escuela Ideo is an educative center provisionally located in an office […]

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Operation: drive the rubbish back in

See many more pictures The bubble installed in the foyer of the national gallery is not an actual “site-specific” installation, but simply the first place to inflate the “Ambulant Inflatable” we created together with the “Village Unhu” people: Misheck Masamvu, Gareth Nyandoro and George. Since you had to access it from outside the gallery, it […]

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“The Whirlpool of waste” – Roskilde Festival 2013

More pictures here. A whirlpool of waste emerges in the middle of an ephemeral city. An invented city to consume: Music, drinks, friends, drugs… RoskildeFestival is a great music festival that congregates more than 125.000 people during 9 days offering more than 100 concerts and activities, a great event of masses. Instead of hiding and making the […]

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Urban Cooks Platforms

Context European cities had many empty spaces, abandoned or neglected, that could be bring back to life by citizens’ initiatives through community management. In some cases, this initiatives have been an innovative example of how public space could be managed and created. However, in many cities these citizen initiatives face diverse barriers that make difficult […]

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Living as Form

Living as Form provides a broad look at a vast array of socially engaged practices that appear with increasing regularity in fields ranging from theater to activism, and urban planning to visual art. The project brings together twenty-five curators, documents over 100 artists’ projects in a large-scale survey exhibition inside the historic Essex Street Market […]

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