White Night 2010: Place your bets!

Madrid, Spain

It is at the same time an invitation to play with the city, and a message for proposals and action. It is a call to creativity and to the promotion of interaction, which aim is turning the city in a large playground.

Fleeing entertainment and aesthetic contemplation and generate possibilities for action and encounter is the main objective. So the proposed theme for the White Night was “Hagan Game” (Place the bet!), inviting everyone to participate.

Furthermore, we wanted to introduce garbage and waste in the designed actions with the aim to achieve a balanced budget management and to reduce production costs, but also because we know that the city of Madrid produced huge amounts of waste materials many of them clearly identified: construction, exhibition services, tourism, commerce, CO2.

Basurama’s proposal for the White Night will be based on these fundamental principles:

  • Work with the existing (physical and symbolic). The reality that surround us contains enough ingredients to be evocative and poetic; there was no need to recreate parallel realities. A city like Madrid has a spatial and symbolic potential which in many cases is yet to be discovered.
  • Generate network (local-global). An initiative like The White Night (involving many actors in an urban scale) can become a great opportunity for making relationships and collaborations between different actors that lasts over time and serve as a starting point for new activities.
  • Proactive City. It aims to engage citizens into the reflection, production and narration of all the curated projects. Processes involving a high degree of participation and involvement of public will be encouraged.
  • Reduce production costs = Increase number of projects. White Night is an opportunity to develop and to promote creation. It aims to concentrate efforts on creator and not on media.
  • Residues = Resources. An approach that focuses on the economy of means is sought. We wanted to raise reflection on consumption processes, on the environment, on mobility and encourage starting points for new practices.
  • Second Uses = Projects continued development. Bid to reduce the environmental impact (due to excessive investment and energy for one night) through projects that promote durability and permanence in time: projects likely to have continuity and thus grafted later in institutions or other agents and in existing processes.

Place your bets! is the blog of The White Night 2010 that includes news, reflections and information curated by Basurama.



Action projects that encourage interaction and citizen participation: Derivas para unas cuantas multitudes (Producciones Invisibles), El madrileño del año (PKMN), Una noche de pelotas (NoseArq y A+F Estudio de Arquitectura), Fiesta de mucho bailar para todas las edades(Paco Clavel, Hermanos Pizarro, Luz Divina, Diego A. Manrique e Íñigo Munster), Deseos indisciplinados (Ideatomics), Desenfreno amarillo (Ar(t)sanos), Alba (Antoni Miralda y Montse Guillén).

Projects working directly with trash or waste that generate second lives and second uses: Gran via / Gran obra (Zuloark), Un objeto de deseo (Leandro Lattes), Poesía de los problemas concretos (Bijari).

Participatory projects and projects that focused on exchange of experiences involving different communities and neighbors: Plan esqueje (B2B Concept), Intercolada (CR3AM), La noche de los niños (Ecosistema Urbano), Wan ¿tienes tiempo para jugar? (Luzabue tecnologies).

Specific projects of Madrid and its past and recent memory: postcapital File: madrid (Daniel García Andujar), El jardín de la buena dicha (Santiago Morilla, Noemí de Haro y Elena Medel), Arcoiris doble (Jose Miguel de Prada Pool).

Urban projects in process grafted into the city and its neighborhood context that lengthen their development over time and generate funding to the neighborhood: Isla ciudad (eXYZt), Medianeras de madrid(Oficina de Gestión de Muros) y Autoplataforma ciclosuficiente (Colectivo Autoconstrucción).