“Stockholm on the Move” 30th August

We have been invited to an open seminar (August 29-31, 1pm-5pm) as part of the larger symposium and series of events titled “Stockholm on the Move” in Stockholm, Sweden.

A series of open seminars on the infrastructure development of the Stockholm region are planned as part of the Orientation Course Stockholm on the Move organised by KTH, with invited guests, international experts and representatives from local stakeholders. Stockholm on the Move will also be an exhibition at the art and architecture institution Färgfabriken in the autumn 2012 where among other things the result from the work in the orientation course will be presented.

The seminars will consist of a series of thematically focused lectures that discuss future infrastructure and urban development from diverse perspectives and scales. Each day will consist of three to four lectures: by local stakeholders and two invited international guests. The days will have the following themes:

August 29: regional scale, large-scale projects and the effect on the city

August 30: bottom up approaches, the dynamic relation between infrastructure and the city.

August 31: technical aspects of infrastructures in the urban environment.”

In this symposium we will talk about Low Cost Cities and self-made neighborhoods.

Place: Färgfabriken (Lövholmsbrinken 1, Liljeholmen).
Time: Thursday August 30, 15.30 – 18.00.
Status: Open seminar, compulsory for students attending courses A52O1A and A42O1A.

Dissecting objects in Berlin

This Thursday July 19th at 2.30pm we’ll be organizing a hands on workshop in the Guggenheim Lab in Berlin, Germany.

Join in as we collaboratively confront our own trash by dismantling and analyzing individual pieces of locally sourced products and trash with the help of scales, databases, and waste-management data.

More info on the hashtag in Twitter: #dissectwaste

The workshop is a collaboration with Dietmar Offenhuber.

We all think we know what our waste looks like, but, in fact, a large part of it is invisible. Uncover and visualize the hidden processes and consequences associated with individual waste objects. Consider an apple, which apparently has no waste at all. However, if we count the bag in which we carry it home, the paper towel that we use to dry it, and the crate that is used to store and transport it, the footprint of that consumable item is much greater than it seems. Join in as we collaboratively confront our own trash by dismantling and analyzing individual pieces of locally sourced trash with the help of scales, barcode readers, open-source databases, and waste-management data.

RUS El Cairo.Interventions in public space. Change of schedule

After two weeks of hard work in El Cairo, the interventions in public space will begin next Sunday, July 1st.

July 1st and 2nd 3rd and 4th we will be at Ard al-Liwa, a place where the formal and the informal city meet.
July 6th and 7th we will be at Midan Fan, Down Town Square (center) in El Cairo.

There will be a whole week of events and actions starting with an open hearing to present the project at the Town House, where we have been doing all the designs  and constructions during the first two weeks.

The event will take place Saturday July 6th at 19h. Omar Nagati, architect and partner in the project will be joining Basurama

Organize: Elnamla, cultural association

Finance: Embassy of Spain in Egypt

USW Cairo

USW (Urban Solid Waste) Cairo begins the 15th of June. The squares of Cairo have been taken up by street vendors, artist and families after the revolution. The objective of the project is designing and building several elements for activating de public space and promote its use.

We will be working in Town House Gallery, in collaboration with the zabbaleen comunity (informal trash pickers), local artisans and theatre companies.

One week for designing
One week for building
One week for performing


Elnamla: cultural association from Cairo
Omar Nagati: architect
Town House Gallery: contemporary Egyptian and foreign art

Funded by

Embassy of Spain in Egypt

“Low cost cities are possible” Conference at AUB, Beirut. Lebanon.

What about if we change the process and start working as a net where everybody has a role from the very begining till the end?

Is it that possible?
We can try…
What do we need?

Basurama lecture.
March 19th, 2012 at 6.00 pm in the ALH (Architecture Lecture Hall) Dar Al-Handassah Architecture Building

Trans Trash Exhibition, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Trans Trash is a collaborative exhibition that brings together staff, faculty, visiting researchers and students from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and  tries to make people sensitive to the subject of waste by raising awarenes and encouraging small local changes in the ways individuals treat garbage in their individual lives.

The aim of this project is to make waste cycles transparent to the public in an attempt to enable more personal social awareness and responsibility. Using Cambridge, MA, as a region of focus, and MIT as a hyper-local example, the works in the exhibition display information about local waste and the overlaps or tensions between the informal and formal waste management sectors.

More information at https://basurama.org/transtrash

Where: Room 408. Building 7. MIT. Mass Av Cambridge. MA. USA. View map
Dates: September 30th – October 23rd 2011.
Opening schedule: Monday-Friday. 9.00am – 6.00pm.


  • Nancy Kim. Master of Architecture Candidate. MIT.
  • Libby McDonald. Community Innovators Lab’s Green Hub Global Program Associate. MIT.
  • Dietmar Offenhuber. Research Fellow. Senseable City Lab. PhD Candidate. MIT.
  • Pablo Rey Mazón. Basurama Boston. Co-founder of Basurama and Visiting Scientist at Center for Civic Media. MIT Medialab.

Funded in part by the Council for the Arts at MIT.


Trash mappers workshop in New York

Basurama organizes a workshop at the BMW Guggenheim in New York.

The aim of the project is to give the participants an idea about waste. We want them to understand waste as a resource of knowledge, that can teach us about economy, anthropology, sociology, as well as to be a resource of creativity. During the workshop we will have different approaches to different kinds of trash. In the opening lecture we will discuss the wide concept of waste in contemporary society, ranging from the personal waste we directly produce, to the one in a city scale at a landscape level.
We will spend the rest of the time “hands on” waste, as we think it is the best way to address the topic. We want to make a very intense two days workshop.

The two days’ workshop has different parts:

Understanding waste
Saturday, September 3, 2011, 11–2 pm

What is waste, and what can waste tell us about who we are? Join creative collective Basurama in this presentation and hands-on workshop to analyze trash from New York City and gain better insight into the city’s consumption processes. Participants are invited to bring their own nonorganic waste produced in the previous 24 hours. Bring your paper cups, wrappers, and cans to the Lab and participate in an insightful discussion about the inherent creativity of trash, where waste comes from, and where it ultimately ends up.


Trash Safari
Saturday, September 3, 2011, 2–5 pm

Participate in a trash safari in the vicinity of the Lab and learn about domestic and public waste in the area. The safari will be led by Basurama, a creative collective based in Boston and Madrid whose work focuses on the study of waste.


Denise Scott Brown in Conversation with Basurama
Saturday, September 3, 2011, 7–9 pm

Architect, writer, and urban planner Denise Scott Brown, a principal of Venturi, Scott Brown and Associates and an author of the influential book Learning from Las Vegas, engages in a conversation with Basurama’s Juan López-Aranguren and Pablo Rey Mazón. Join them in a discussion about waste, its role in our lives, its place at the roots of our creativity, and its artistic possibilities in architecture and urbanism.

Garbology: A Trash Tour
Sunday, September 4, 2011, 10–4 pm 12-5 pm

Leaving from: BMW Guggenheim Lab
Mode of transportation: bus

Join creative collectives Basurama and Trashpatch on a bus journey through the five boroughs to investigate the life of trash in New York City. During this narrated tour, explore the consequences of our consumer actions by tracing the routes that trash takes through our urban landscape and the natural environment.

This tour is a public arts tour that investigates the life of trash in New York City. Focusing on plastic waste and the implications that stem from this type of pollution.

Trash takes several routes; household discards are routed through a defined public collection system, street and subway litter follows a pathway through sewers systems, often with the end result of being deposited into local waterways. By navigating the routes that trash takes, we aim to paint a picture of the interplay between trash and the environment. Investigations and public interactions will occur along three routes, each ending at a coastal location where trash is temporarily collected and prepared for further shipping to a processing/dumping facility. By traveling through these routes, we offer an opportunity for people to understand the energy and resources devoted to trash, as well as the degree to which what we produce and use is designed and intended to be disposable.


It is suggested that participants commit to all three events.

