USW Niamey: let’s do it together! is an educational training project that had formed 60 volunteers from 12 cultural centers. The objective was working with local resources for the design and construction of 12 playgrounds.
During the formation process we had worked with pallets, tires, cans and plastic bags and the result was a self-constructed playground in the Cultural Center Oumarou Ganda (CCOG) Niamey, Niger, Africa. December 5-20, 2011
USW Cairo: Lighting Cairo is a project for the design and construction of low cost prototypes to activate public spaces in the city of Cairo.
The prototypes were constructed during a workshop with young Egyptian professionals, mostly architects and urban artists.
After design and construction, the prototypes were set up in two urban environments in order to test the feasibility, performance and interaction of the constructed objects with public space (both people and environment).
Cairo, Egypt, Africa. From 15th June to 8th July 2012.
Jerash, Jordan. May 2011.
Project to improve the conditions of public space in the Refugee Campo of Suf in Jerash. During a week we worked involving the local community of Palestinian refugees to build a childrens playground and a shading area at the Woman´s Centre.
Residuos Urbanos Sólidos en Asunción, Paraguay. Del 13 al 25 de Abril 2009.
Este proyecto pretende reutilizar los lugares abandonados de la ciudad de Asunción, enriqueciéndolos con basura modificada y convertida en juegos urbanos, convertirlos en un espacio público de libre uso, de ocio y esparcimiento, elementos de los que tanto carece esta ciudad, demostrando, también con ello, que no son necesarios muchos recursos para apropiarse de lo que le pertenece a la ciudadanía.
Reactivación de un espacio público en la ciudad de Lima. Autoparque de atracciones es un espacio de juego construido sobre la estructura de un tren eléctrico que llevaba años abandonado. Un proyecto realizado con material procedente de los botaderos de la ciudad de Lima en el que se contó con la colaboración de artistas, ong’s, diseñadores y arquitectos locales.