Category About Trans Trash

Cambridge donations map

Randi Mail (Director of Recycling Cambridge Dept of Public Works) sends us this Cambridge map “Donate your Stuff” that will help us complete our on going research map. Help us and post the locations you find interesting. Research map: Document PDF: Donate your stuff. Cambridge Map.

Opening Trans Trash photos

Short update: 7 days to go for the opening!

We are preparing everything for the opening on September, so busy that we can not update this blog properly. Just follow our short updates and news in qith the hashtag  #transtrash on twitter. We’ve just added that to the end of every page on this website.

First hunt for the exhibiton

A friend sent us this from craiglist: Cambridge Community Television, a non-profit community television center, is moving to a new home and is giving away a gigantic pile of used and seriously dated broadcast equipment on Thursday morning in Central Square, Cambridge. This stuff is used, given away AS IS, with no warranty or promises. We […]

Looking for a space

While we are still producing the projects, we are also trying to finally have an exhibition space at MIT. It is not an easy task.

Open a blog, open a landfill

In this blog we will be telling you all around the projects that are in “Trans Trash”, all our thoughts and waste in a blog-landfill. Enjoy!