Open air: public space, trash, informality and meeting. DHAKA TOTEM, AECID Spanish Cooperation. 2018.

Global Consume, Universal Citizen. Perro Berde 07. Hispanic-Philipine Magazine. Published 2018. Text written in 2017.

Agostamiento (Drought in Matadero): What´s all this?. Text related to the intervention in Abierto x Obras, Matadero Madrid. Published in 2016.

We love the M-30. About the dream of building a highway under a park “Amamos la M-30. Sobre el sueño de construir una autopista debajo de un parque”. Madrid. Materia de debate 2003-2013. Vol II. – Burbuja. 2014. (Only in Spanish)

“Touch, collect, display, order, measure, map, inflate and build with waste!” Pablo Rey Mazón. Basurama 2014. The Grassroots Mapping Forum Journal. Public Lab. 2014.

All our questions (not answers) for the discussion paper of the IFACCA 6th World Summit on Arts and Culture. Santiago de Chile, january 2014

The best the housing bubble has left us are wastelands. “Lo mejor que nos ha dejado la burbuja son los descampados” Own publication for the project “Pic-nic vecinal”. September 2013. (Only in Spanish)

Basurama: a framework for designing collectively with waste. Pablo Rey Mazón. Reclaim and Remake International Symposium, Washington, DC (USA). 2013.

Magical Urbanism: megaprojects in the era of wastefulness “El urbanismo mágico: megaproyectos en la era del despilfarro”. Patricia Molina Costa y Pablo Rey Mazón. Magazine Ciudades 14. Valladolid, June 2011. (Only in Spanish)

The planned abandonment “El abandono planificado”. Rubén Lorenzo Montero y Pablo Rey Mazón. Basurama. For the book Attractions are back. Tours visit to the amusement park Artxanda Ed. Consonni, 2010. (Only in Spanish)

Reuse is hitchhiking architectureLa reutilización es el autostop de la arquitectura”. Pablo Rey Mazón. Basurama. Caja de Herramientas. Sevilla 2010. (Only in Spanish)

Textos from other authors that mention or interview Basurama:

Shaping urbanization for children: A handbook on child-responsive urban planning. UNICEF, 2018.

Postgrowth Imaginaries: New Ecologies and Counterhegemonic Culture in Post-2008. Luis I. Prádanos Spain. Liverpool University Pres, 2018.


Texts from other authors that we published in Basurama:

Never garbage was so beautifulNunca fue tan hermosa la basura”. José Luis Pardo. Urban Distorsions. 2006.

Art on waste “El arte en el desecho”. Denise Scott Brown. Urban Distorsions. 2006.

Three advocations of the urban crisis at the beginning of the XXI century: “Tsunami Developer“, “City-Trash and Prestige Architectures Tres advocaciones de la crisis urbana a comienzos del s.XXI: “Tsunami Urbanizador”, “Ciudad-Basura” y Arquitecturas de Prestigio”. Ramón López de Lucio, arquitecto-urbanista, octubre 2006.

From the inconvenient truth to the discomfort of truthDe la verdad incómoda a la incomodidad de la verdad”. Alfonso del Val. 2007